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Mobile Marketing Services

HomeMobile Marketing Services

Mobile Marketing in 2015

New channels and platforms emerge daily, and mobile is taking a strong lead.

Mobile browser & search usage in 2015 have exceeded desktop usage globally for the first time. We used to be mobile-possible and that became mobile-ready. Now, mobile marketing means watching a Periscope video that you’re in while it’s being filmed. It means 24/7/365 worldwide news reporting from anyone, anywhere.

Mobile marketing offers a wide range of opportunities for interacting with users on a more personal level. Today, we can address a much more specific audience according not just to age, gender and location, but also to interests and mobile browsing data, as well as other factors that give the possibility to reach a specific target segment, within a specific audience profile.

Experts in developing websites, our implementation services are tailored to meet your individual needs. As a leading mobile marketing professional team, we can manage your entire mobile campaign from strategy outline, audience profiling, campaign design and development, right through to delivery and reporting.

We provide a bespoke analysis of your mobile marketing strategy tailored to meet business needs. Don’t miss out on a huge business opportunity – go mobile!

Mobile-First Design

We ensure a great browsing experience for all users with focused efforts on mobile and desktop.

Accurate Targeting

We know the potential for mobile marketing for business success that’s why our mobile campaigns are based on accurate targeting.

Social Local Mobile

We are fluent in SMS and speak Beacon Marketing. Your SoLoMo marketing is safe with Stack Digital.

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